Telopea oreades

Genus Species: Telopea oreades
Common / Product Name: Gippsland Waratah
SKU: 65b6137a83b7 Category:


Available Sizes

Height x Width: 2 - 4m x 2.00 - 3.00m

Pruning: None Light

Frost Tolerance: High

Coastal Tolerance: Medium

Clay & Heavy Soil Tolerance: Adaptable

Drought Tolerance: High

Origin: Australian Plant

Evergreen: Yes

Flowering: starts: Spring / ends: Spring

Flower Colour: Red

Irrigation: Yes requires spring watering for best flowers, water during dry periods.

Lower Temperatures: Prefers temperate to cool temperature climates with good coverage to protect from frost, will tolerate occasional temperatures as low as -8°C.

Upper Temperatures: Temperatures in the Mid 30's°C to Low 40's°C.

Fertilising: Slow release low phosphorus fertilizer, supplement with iron to prevent yellowing of leaves

Environment: Plants selected suitable for Melbourne surrounds and southern states of Australia.